The Best Apple Orchard in West Michigan! (Sorry Robinette's)

If you live in Grand Rapids, you know that Robinette's is thee apple orchard to go to. 
Sorry Robinette's, but Crane's in Fennville has you beat by a long shot!

Last Saturday, Josh and I traveled to Crane's together for the first time. 
Typically, driving from Grand Rapids, it should only have taken about 40 minutes. 
Except it took us about 1.5 hours because of my amazing driving direction capabilities.

When we finally arrived we went to Crane's restaurant to try and do the U-Pick. Well, that was not the correct place for picking apples... Let's just say if you ever travel with me, it is always an adventure! The U-Pick was right up the road, and marked with a huge U-Pick sign. How we missed this, I have no idea? WE ARE HONESTLY BLIND! 

There were so many trees to pick from, except the Galas barely had any fruit. 
We ended up finding only two baby Galas, and I was pretty disappointed. 

However, my smart, amazing, handsome fiancé decided to venture over to the Fujis to explore new territory. THERE WERE SO MANY FUJIS! I WAS IN HEAVEN!
I picked every pretty apple I saw, while Josh carefully analyzed each tree to find the best one. 

We picked 13 pounds of apples and there were only .90 cents a pound! 
I'd say we were productive and frugal :D

We made our way back to the restaurant to enjoy some Crane's Cider and burgers. Ooh and we had a the Pie Flight for only $10. We sampled the peach, blueberry, raspberry, and apple pie!


And then our amazing date ended with this beautiful sunset from God.
Thanks God!

Until the next adventure...

PS - Currently eating apple crisp I made with our apples - SO GOOD!


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